Most kids in East and central African countries are homeless orphans without traces of their parental backgrounds.They scramble and scavenge for survival n harsh situations which turned many to drug addiction,prostitution,stealing and many other immoral acts.But what touches mostly is the way a two year old kid(s) scrambles without anything to reckon with.I think is necessary for anyone to voluntarily render or offer certain voluntary humanitarian measures at convenient seasons.Everyone was once a kid likewise me that always love being a kid.Is pleasant trying to encourage societies,communities,private bodies and individuals to look into their problems with  sustainable solutions and positive developments.There is non on earth without a minimum level of difficulties but it matters coping with perseverance  and discipline as methodology of overcoming certain situation.The world is full of difficult challenges and uprising in divers global geography.Most of global problems are caused by humans and natural disasters.But why could humans become the Creator of their own problems?If humans are dominating in most dominions then who is responsible for certain problems encountered by animals?Its quite baffling somewhat funny about global circumstances….